October 19, 20, 21
$297.00 Single
$497.00 Couple
During this bliss body experiential workshop, you will learn how to expand your capacity for pleasure and discover how to have more love and freedom in your life.
You will learn the importance of healthy boundaries in manifesting more joy in life.
You will be introduced to the full-body orgasm and explore how to bring a new level of aliveness and bliss into your sexual relating.
You will leave with a tool kit for being more present, radiant and aware in all of youf life, your sexual life and relationships.
- Open and Clear Your Chakras
- Heal and Transform Emotional Blocks
- Learn to Activate the Full-Body Orgasm
- Learn to Circulate Bliss as a Daily Practice
- Discover the Secrets to Being Multi-Orgasmic
- Experience the Power of the Senses in a Tantric Ritual
Facilitated by:
Judith Anne Condon, the founder of Journeys to Bliss (https://www.journeystotantricbliss.com) which has its home in Boulder, Colorado. Journeys to Bliss is dedicated to educating modern minds on the ancient secrets of Tantra. Tantra. It’s a path of meditation…what sets it apart from other ‘paths’ is that it looks to the wisdom of the body and the senses as a means to becoming more present and alive in every aspect of our life. Judith teaches, trains and practices within the lineage of Margot Anand – Sky Dancing Tantra and OSHO. . All are held in a space of respect, safety and serenity. Judith lives in Colorado.
Sacred Sex DJ will provide dance and embodiment music, Lynn Grasberg will entertain us with Tantric Comedy and a Special Guest will lead us in a prelude Saturday evening to a Kundalini awakening experience for a an evening of very special Ecstatic Dance
Our Agenda:
Friday, 10/19
7 to 10 – Evening of Tantric Practices
Saturday 10/20
10am to 1pm – Morning of Tantric Practices
1pm to 2pm – Bring your Lunch, stay in or share in the experience of any one of North Boulder’s closeby eateries, in silence, with your new found Tantric friends
2pm to 5pm – Afternoon of Tantric Practices & Tantric Comedy
5pm to 7pm – Bring your Dinner, stay in or share in the experience of any one of North Boulder’s closeby eateries with your new found Tantric friends
7pm to 10pm – Evening of Ecstatic Dance The term ecstatic dance is used to describe transcendental and sacred dance, and practices of movement meditation. Ecstatic Dance events are differentiated by being a talk free space. Drug and alcohol free
Sunday 10/21
10am to 2pm Satsang, The meaning of satsang is ‘company of the Absolute Truth’ where ‘Sat’ means the Absolute Truth i.e. God and ‘sang’ refers to the company of seekers or saints experiencing the presence of God.
Farewells – Brunch at Mandala Infusion Tibetan Bistro
What to bring: Water Bottle, Fresh Clothes to change into throughout, Journal, Sacred items for our altar, Saturday Lunch/Dinner and/or Saturday Lunch/Dinner $$$, Sunday Brunch $$$
Important to know:
Times shown are approx and may vary
There is no nudity in this workshop and you do not need a partner to attend
Drug and alcohol free
Ample time is allowed for integrating all tantric practice, for solitude and/or for socializing with your tantric companions
Message me at journeystotantricbliss@gmail.com
or call me at 303 630 9479